We have many opportunities to sponsor our events, from small amounts to season long sponsorships, we can accommodate all levels.
Our desire is to provide events and space to share our commonalities instead of focusing on our differences; allowing us to grow a stronger community, help us become more welcoming, and strengthen us all. All our events are held in the beautiful Celebration Hall venue on the campus of Hillcrest Academy near Kalona, Iowa. All proceeds above expenses are donated to charities and organizations who continue to facilitate a better community.
We are looking for sponsors to support our purpose:
A one-time donation
Per event donations
Seasonal donations
Other ideas you may have
With your sponsorship, we provide:
Your logo prominently featured in all communications about the event and on social media
Public acknowledgement of your generosity
Complimentary tickets
Thank you for considering a sponsorship and supporting our community!
Sponsorship Levels
Additional sponsorship levels are available