Directions to Celebration Hall
Please note: Google Maps and GPS do NOT always provide proper routing to Celebration Hall.
Please check the map and directions below, especially if arriving from the north and west. Google Maps and GPS routes may try to direct you onto unmaintained roads!
Celebration Hall, Hillcrest Academy
From Iowa City, Coralville, North Liberty and Cedar Rapids and points north and east of Iowa City
Take I380 south to Hwy 218 South. Exit at Hwy 1 toward Kalona. Drive 11.3 miles and turn right at 540th street. Drive 4 miles. Hillcrest Academy will be on the left.
From Washington
Drive north on Hwy 1. Continue thru Kalona and turn left on 540th street. Drive 4 miles. Hillcrest Academy will be on the left.
From Mt Pleasant
Drive north on Hwy 218 to Hwy 22 exit. Head left (west) on Hwy 22 through Riverside to Kalona. Turn right on Hwy 1. Turn left onto 540th street. Drive 4 miles. Hillcrest Academy will be on the left.
From North English, South English and areas south and west
Drive to North English and head east on 335th St. This will turn into 320th St and at the stop sign, continue straight onto 540th St. Drive 2 miles Hillcrest Academy will be on the right.
From Williamsburg
Drive to south on Hwy 149 to Parnell. Turn left onto Black Diamond Ave. Drive 14 miles. Turn right onto Orville Yoder Turnpike. At the stop sign, turn left onto 500th street to Frytown. Drive .5 miles to the the stop sign. Turn right on Angle Road. At the stop sign, turn right onto 540th St. Hillcrest Academy will be on the right.
From Oxford
Drive to south on Blackhawk Ave. Cross I80 and continue on to Black Diamond Ave. Turn left and drive 3 miles. Turn right onto Orville Yoder Turnpike. At the stop sign, turn left onto 500th street to Frytown. Drive .5 miles to the the stop sign. Turn right on Angle Road. At the stop sign, turn right onto 540th St. Hillcrest Academy will be on the right.
From I80 West
Exit at the Marengo/North English exit. Turn right (south) onto M Ave. Continue 12 miles to 335th St. Turn right and follow the directions from North English (above.)
From I80 East
Exit onto Hwy 218 South. (You may have to head to the next exit west past Hwy 218 South and exit at Tiffin, cross I80 and reenter I80 east. Exit onto Hwy 218 South. Then follow the directions from Iowa City (above.)